Tag Archives: muhammad

Not that again

7 Nov

In response to this lady’s typical one-sided tirade about only Muslims being horrible for following a questionable leader…

She’s raised a Muslim in the Middle East? She says so, but I see she didn’t keep an accent. And even if she is, she’s one person with a clearly very one-sided view. Being of a culture doesn’t mean you have an objective view on it. If a Christian girl tries to convince you that all Christians are horrible because she had a mother like Carrie’s and went to virginity balls and had creepy pictures taken with her dad, will you declare her a credible source on Christianity? One needs to look at a culture from a point of view much broader than one individual’s questionable testimony. Her profile also smacks of radicalism, though not Islamic. “It’s them or us” is the most paranoid, violence-excusing phrase one could think of. She’s the pot calling the kettle black. Everything Mohammed did wrong, people of all creeds do wrong to this day except slavery because that’s mostly dealt with.

She’ll paint all Muslims with the same broad brush because of their prophet, while the absolute and undeniable reality is that people of all religions believe and practice to different degrees and only few do to an extreme that could be cause for concern. That is why it’s called extremism.

We could apply the same arguments – “your prophet was a jerk” – to other religions. I mean, a father who’s willing to stab his son because his God says so? Jesus letting himself be tortured to death instead of saving himself and his followers from persecution by lying? Or celebrating people having their babies killed, gloating about it in songs at he dinner table, when one could just celebrate the liberation without all the horrors that befell the captors and their innocent families? We could make all religions look very, very horrible by focusing on only the bad stuff. Crusades…

As for the rapist part. When did Islam start? Back when rape wasn’t a huge crime and neither was pedophilia which, by the way, is also found in fundamentalistic Christian communities, and outside of religious frameworks. Let’s take a moment to be ashamed of modern society for around when spousal rape was finally outlawed. But Muslims are savages for following a prophet who was a rapist when it wasn’t culturally considered a big deal, and when they do not actually emulate his actions? And mass murderer? Every leader who has led his country into a war that killed significant numbers of innocent people, is right up there with Mohammed.
Liar, cheater, thief? Most of us are. Everyone who’s illegally downloaded, is a thief. Millions cheat on tests. EVERYBODY LIES. Adultery? Have a gander at how many non-Muslim married people cheat. And sex slaves? All those white Christian and Atheist men fuelling Asian child prostitution…. And speaking of slavery, again, Mohammed was 1000+ years ago, black slavery merrily celebrated by Christians is recent enough to still resonate within society in the shape of race dynamics.

Yes, the Qu’ran encourages many horrible things, but so does the Bible, where are the hate tirades and the fear mongering against Christians because while they don’t hurt anyone, they may believe in someone who has? Christians, too, are committing many atrocities to this day, but people see a cross and feel reassured, how can that be? The reason why Islam doesn’t scare me is because I have faith in human nature, which is the hypocrisy of picking and choosing what part of your religion you wish to represent with earnest conviction. MOST religious people including Muslims, will draw the line at violence. Yes, the book is brutal, no, the prophet wasn’t a nice guy, but as with any questionable religious passages, people conveniently skip them for the most part.
Actually, even in Muslim countries and communities, rape and violence has been largely outlawed. Palestinian girls go to parties and concerts unaccompanied and dressed as skimpy as Israeli girls, and they can, because just as Christian atrocities, Islamic atrocities are largely a thing of the past and not fit for our times. As everything else, Islam is subject to change and interpretation. Some take it too literally and go bomb people. Others, most, take what agrees with them and their social upbringing, and leave people alone.

Social upbringing is key. It’s always easy to radicalize or turn into a criminal, someone from a crappy background, religious or not. Brits have been recruited into radical Islam, without regular Islam as a gateway, and they were all from not-so-enviable environments. A Muslim raised in a decent setting is far less likely to become a violent Islamist because violence is the language of the desperate and the angry. Islam doesn’t make you angry, radical Islam recruits those who already are. Actually, many civil wars and conflicts among Muslims today have not started through religion, but religious nuts resulted from the frustration and hopelessness, and escalated or exploited the situation.
Why are so many Muslims fleeing for Europe? Because the Islamic extremists are not who they want to live under, because that is not what they believe in. Many of those who join, do under duress rather than conviction. Hell, I’d join if the alternative were a bullet in the head.
Muslims commit crimes under Mo’s name just like other creeds. All in the name of God or his spokesman, either as an excuse or out of fanaticism. Her singling out Islam is like a Christian nutter singling out gay people. Hitler was a Roman Catholic. If we were to condemn a culture, a people, a religion, over their (long dead) leader’s crap, there wouldn’t be much left to praise.

As for Jihad, she fails to consider that everything in religious books, whether the book allows it or not, is up to interpretation. Jihad means struggle, fight, but it can mean all sorts of personal struggles. It can mean hitting the treadmill and quitting smoking – and for the nutters it can mean to blow up a bus of unbelievers. But when she said, “You deserve anything that comes to you”, she pretty much showed us who the bad person is here, because if you deserve potentially horrible things just for believing something, well… I have a Muslim friend whose name is literally Islam. I’m sure he believes in Jihad. In terms of: stop brawling, quit smoking, start saving money. He believes in it and he practices it. So if some nutwing goes and stabs him for that, he deserves that? That is what this woman is suggesting, and that’s a very violent way of thinking… thoughts need to be free and wishing “everything that comes to you” on a person for their thoughts, is exactly what radical Islam would be all about. I love the irony of it and it’s so typical.

Anyway, exerting effort for the sake of Allah? Allah wants a lot of things, many of which good, others bad, but so do all gods. The Christian God threatens with Hell and floods and Armageddon for every wind you break, can’t even masturbate safely. How can you single out Allah’s wishes? How much murder has been and is being committed in the name of the Christian/Catholic god, how much hate is being spread? All these Gods ask a lot, and every believer will choose other things to fulfill. I think the picture sums it up that shows radical Islamists and the KKK next to each other and saying, “If this represents all Muslims, then this represents all Christians”.
She presents only a fraction of Islamic “commandments”. Another is to feed the needy. If you see bread left outside on walls etc. that’s mostly Muslims being Muslims. Every God wants everyone to adhere to his religion unquestioningly, and even Judaism, while not encouraging conversion, places significantly less value on people outside of that religion. Islam is not special in this aspect, either. Bullying people into conversion is an extremist action, and extremists are called that NOT because they’re common. Most don’t CARE what religion you are as long as you leave them alone. They may sneer at you, but isn’t that mutual?

And while Islam is not a race, it’s still dimwitted to say they’re all terrorists just because their religion endorses conditional violence. Most religions do.
And worshipping a man who has committed or ordered horrible acts, may be questionable, but it’s not a Muslim exclusive as I said. Bush was reelected. Hitler still has fans. Satan has a cult. And the 7 plagues that hit Egypt? Yeah, slavery is horrible, but killing everyone’s babies..? Not that I believe in the 7 plagues, but it still shouldn’t be the subject of happy dinner table songs.

It’s true that Islam is currently a major perpetrator of religious violence, but this is now, and Christians mustn’t forget what atrocities have brought them the powerful, influential position they have in the world today. One day, Islam will be in the past, so let’s not excuse Christianity for having bettered itself somewhat.
The biggest rapist, thief, and murderer is not Mohammed and not the average Muslim, it’s the male human on a global scale from New York to the Masaai Mara. We shouldn’t just focus on religion in regards to violence and hate. When we take religion out of the picture, we’ll see that it’s everywhere and it doesn’t take a Muslim to walk into a classroom with a gun.
She should check her country’s statistics and then run her mouth about what group is most violent in %. My money is on white males.

This woman is the prime example of what happens when you choose to only read and see what fits your belief system. She too is an extremist. She presents the subject in a very one-sided way for the sake of spreading a certain opinion of it. That’s extremist indoctrination at its finest.

Lastly, Italians aren’t a race either unless you’re gonna lump them in with other white people. They’re an ethnic group within whites. While ethnicity and race are often used interchangeably, strictly speaking, they are not the same. Making race about country, has been debunked when Hitler tried to declare Germans a race when half of Europe looked Aryan.